Simple Systems for Complex Tasks
We've made all the systems in Genie Suite clear to understand and simple to use because we believe that systems shouldn't sit between people or what they want to achieve. You've better things to do than to learn how to use an application - you just want to reap the rewards - so we've made Genie Suite intuitive and straightforward so that only minimal instruction is required to produce fantastic results.
And because different users have different needs, all Genie Suite applications are offered on a 'pick-and-mix' basis so that you never need to pay for more than you will use.
Appraisal, Reviews, Standards, Observation, Training, Analysis |
CPD Genie is a comprehensive CPD and Appraisal management package which allows you to:
- Manage internal, external and whole-school CPD applications and approval
- Analyse CPD feedback and its impacts on the school
- Ensure training is aligned with school and department development targets
- Manage appraisal / performance management target setting and reviews
- Audit staff against the National Teachers’ Standards or bespoke standards
- Manage staff attendance at in-house training
- Analyse staff skill sets
- Control budgets and costs
You can also record:
- Standards for support staff
- Lesson observations and impacts
- ITT students in each department
- Staff research
- Coaching and mentoring sessions
CPD Genie allows you to enjoy the merits of a completely paperless CPD and Appraisal system with the convenience of being able to access information from wherever you are.
Analysis is calculated automatically and training to staff is simple and minimal.
Evaluation, Improvement, Planning, Review, Collaboration |
School Development Genie is an evaluation and development-planning system which allows you to:
- Electronically complete school and departmental evaluation forms
- View and analyse departmental responses to evaluation forms
- Analyse areas of strength and for development across the school
- Collaborate effectively in completing detailed school and departmental development plans
- Access and review school and departmental objectives
- Ensure that all evaluation and planning is accurate and up-to-date for all users
When partnered with CPD Genie, you can also:
- Publish school and department development objectives to CPD Genie at the click of a button
- Ensure that your staff training is in-line with school and department development plans
Leadership Teams and Middle Managers use School Development Genie to make sure that everyone is moving in the same direction by ensuring that their training provision is in-line with the needs of their institution based on school/academy and departmental evaluation and planning.
Reflection, Assessment, Opinion, Consultation, Analysis |
360° Review Genie is a multi-functional review and surveying tool which allows you to:
- Perform customised 360° reviews of any staff member
- Create unlimited bespoke questions and question-sets
- Assign specific reviewers / respondents or leave a question-set ‘open’ for any member of staff to comment
- Record, analyse and display key evidence and information
- View and analyse review outcomes for any staff member
- Have instant access to completed reviews for individuals and leadership teams
Many subscribers use 360° Review Genie as a simple solution to the issue of recording evidence for teachers’ Appraisal and for surveying Staff Voice.
Absence Requests, Organisation, Planning, Collation |
Diary Genie assists your Cover Officer and staff with booking time-off for events not related to training or illness and allows:
- Staff to apply for time-off for trips as well as for personal and professional reasons
- Staff to view the school diary with up-to-the-minute accuracy
- Staff to organise trips etc. in light of all events and absences
- The cover officer to assess at a glance the viability of a colleague’s request for cover
- The prevention of wasted cover, and therefore wasted funds
- For full integration with other Genie Suite systems
Diary Genie offers a simple and paperless way for staff to apply for cover and know what is happening in their institution, as well as allowing the Cover Officer to see requests easily.

We are always happy to assist you with any queries you may have.
For your free demonstration or if you require any other information, please get in touch.
© Walnut Computer Consultancy Ltd.